How to link website to opera news

Opera News is a popular online news platform that covers various topics, including entertainment, sports, politics, and more. To link your website to Opera News, you can follow these steps:

Method 1: Add Opera News to your website's bookmarks or favorites

  1. Open Opera News on your browser and click on the "Bookmark" or "Favorite" button.
  2. This will add Opera News to your browser's bookmarks or favorites list.
  3. To link to Opera News from your website, you can add a link to your website's navigation menu or footer.

Method 2: Use an HTML link

  1. Copy the URL of the Opera News article or section you want to link to (e.g.,
  2. Add the following HTML code to your website:
    <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="">Opera News</a>

    Replace with the actual URL you copied.

Method 3: Use a widget or embed code

  1. Visit the Opera News website and search for the "Widgets" or "Embed" section.
  2. Choose the type of widget or embed code you want to use (e.g., a news feed, a specific article, or a category).
  3. Copy the provided code and add it to your website's HTML code.

Here's an example of a basic embed code:

<div id="opera-news-widget"></div>
<script src=""></script>

This code will display a basic news feed from Opera News on your website.

Method 4: Use a third-party service

  1. Use a third-party service like AddThis, ShareThis, or LinkWithin to add a link to Opera News on your website.
  2. Follow the service's instructions to add the link to your website.

Remember to always check the Opera News website's terms of use and copyright policies before linking to their content.