Nationwide strike banks schools govt offices courts nass shut

It sounds like you're referring to a widespread strike that has affected various sectors in Nigeria, including:

  1. Banks: Many banks in Nigeria have been shut down or operating with limited services due to the strike.
  2. Schools: Educational institutions have been closed or operating with limited services, disrupting the academic calendar.
  3. Government offices: Government offices, including ministries, departments, and agencies, have been affected by the strike, with many employees staying at home.
  4. Courts: The strike has also impacted the judicial system, with many courts operating with limited services or closed.
  5. National Assembly (NASS): The National Assembly, which is the legislative arm of the government, has been affected by the strike, with many lawmakers and staff staying at home.

The strike is likely a response to various grievances and demands from the striking workers, which may include issues such as:

The strike has significant implications for the economy, society, and daily life in Nigeria. It can lead to:

It's essential for the government and stakeholders to engage in constructive dialogue to address the grievances and demands of the striking workers, find a resolution, and restore normalcy to the affected sectors.