How to get authentic news as an upcoming journalist

As an upcoming journalist, it's essential to develop a keen sense of discernment to separate authentic news from misinformation, propaganda, or biased reporting. Here are some tips to help you get authentic news:

  1. Verify sources: Always verify the credibility of your sources. Check if they are reputable, trustworthy, and have a track record of accuracy. Be wary of anonymous sources or those with a vested interest in the story.
  2. Fact-check: Fact-checking is crucial in journalism. Use reputable fact-checking websites, such as Snopes,, or PolitiFact, to verify the accuracy of claims and statements.
  3. Use multiple sources: Don't rely on a single source for information. Use multiple sources to corroborate facts and get a well-rounded understanding of the story.
  4. Be skeptical: Approach news with a healthy dose of skepticism. Be cautious of sensational headlines, emotional appeals, or biased language.
  5. Read beyond the headlines: Don't just read the headlines. Read the entire article, and pay attention to the language, tone, and context.
  6. Check for corroboration: Verify information by checking with other credible sources, such as official records, government reports, or academic studies.
  7. Use official records: Use official records, such as government reports, court documents, or police records, to verify information.
  8. Be aware of confirmation bias: Be aware of your own biases and try to approach news with an open mind. Avoid cherry-picking information that supports your preconceived notions.
  9. Use reputable news organizations: Stick to reputable news organizations with a track record of accuracy and fairness. Avoid sensationalist or tabloid-style publications.
  10. Stay up-to-date: Stay current with news and developments in your field. Follow reputable news organizations, experts, and thought leaders to stay informed.
  11. Use social media critically: Use social media critically, and be aware of the potential for misinformation, propaganda, or biased reporting.
  12. Develop a critical thinking mindset: Develop a critical thinking mindset by analyzing information, evaluating evidence, and considering multiple perspectives.
  13. Seek out diverse perspectives: Seek out diverse perspectives and opinions to get a well-rounded understanding of a story.
  14. Use academic sources: Use academic sources, such as peer-reviewed journals, to verify information and get a deeper understanding of complex topics.
  15. Join professional organizations: Join professional organizations, such as the National Press Club or the Society of Professional Journalists, to network with other journalists and stay informed about best practices.

Additionally, here are some specific tips for online news consumption:

  1. Use reputable news aggregators: Use reputable news aggregators, such as Google News or Apple News, to get a curated selection of news from trusted sources.
  2. Check the URL: Check the URL of the website to ensure it's legitimate and not a fake news site.
  3. Look for transparency: Look for transparency in reporting, such as clear attribution of sources and a clear explanation of methodology.
  4. Use fact-checking tools: Use fact-checking tools, such as or Snopes, to verify the accuracy of claims and statements.

By following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the complex landscape of news and information, and to produce high-quality, authentic reporting as an upcoming journalist.