Buy new boiler

Buying a new boiler! Here's a comprehensive guide to help you make an informed decision:

Why do you need a new boiler?

Before we dive into the process, consider the following reasons why you might need a new boiler:

  1. Your current boiler is old (typically 15-20 years or more).
  2. Your boiler is no longer efficient (e.g., it's not heating your home effectively).
  3. Your boiler is leaking or has other signs of wear and tear.
  4. You're experiencing frequent breakdowns or repairs.

Types of boilers

There are several types of boilers available, each with its pros and cons:

  1. Combi boilers: Combination boilers heat water directly from the mains, providing both hot water and central heating.
  2. System boilers: System boilers store hot water in a tank, which is then distributed to radiators and taps.
  3. Conventional boilers: Conventional boilers require a separate hot water tank and are often more expensive to install.
  4. Heat-only boilers: Heat-only boilers are similar to conventional boilers but don't have a built-in hot water tank.

Factors to consider when buying a new boiler

  1. Size: Choose a boiler that's suitable for your home's size and heating requirements.
  2. Efficiency: Look for boilers with high Energy Efficiency Ratings (e.g., A-rated boilers).
  3. Noise level: If you live in an apartment or have noise restrictions, consider a boiler with a low noise level.
  4. Brand and warranty: Research reputable brands and check the warranty offered.
  5. Installation costs: Factor in the cost of installation, which can vary depending on the complexity of the job.
  6. Maintenance: Consider boilers with easy maintenance features, such as self-cleaning systems.
  7. Scalability: If you plan to expand your home or add more radiators, choose a boiler that can accommodate these changes.

How to buy a new boiler

  1. Get quotes: Request quotes from at least three reputable boiler installers or suppliers.
  2. Check reviews: Research the installers' reviews and ratings on websites like Trustpilot or Checkatrade.
  3. Compare prices: Compare prices and features across different boilers and installers.
  4. Check for any government incentives: The UK government offers incentives for energy-efficient boilers, such as the Boiler Scrappage Scheme.
  5. Consider a boiler package: Some installers offer package deals that include installation, maintenance, and servicing.

Additional tips

  1. Check for any existing boiler grants: Your local authority or energy supplier may offer grants for boiler replacements.
  2. Consider a boiler with a smart thermostat: Smart thermostats can help you save energy and money by optimizing your heating schedule.
  3. Check the boiler's compatibility with your home's plumbing: Ensure the boiler is compatible with your home's plumbing system to avoid any issues during installation.

By following these steps and considering your specific needs, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect new boiler for your home.