How to gather environmental news

There are several ways to gather environmental news:

  1. Online News Sources:
    • Environmental news websites: The Guardian's Environment section, Environmental Defense Fund's News, The New York Times' Climate and Environment section, and National Geographic's News.
    • General news websites with environmental sections: CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and NPR.
  2. News Aggregators:
    • Google News: Use keywords like "environment," "climate change," "conservation," or "sustainability" to find relevant news articles.
    • Apple News: Search for environmental news topics or follow environmental news sources.
  3. Social Media:
    • Follow environmental organizations, scientists, and journalists on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
    • Join environmental groups and forums to stay updated on the latest news and discussions.
  4. Newsletters:
    • Environmental newsletters: The Environmental Newsletter, The Climate Newsletter, and The Sustainability Newsletter.
    • Newsletters from environmental organizations, such as the Sierra Club or the Nature Conservancy.
  5. Podcasts:
    • Environmental podcasts: The Environmental Podcast, The Climate Podcast, and The Sustainability Podcast.
    • News podcasts with environmental segments, such as NPR's "The Daily" or "The Guardian's" "Today in Focus."
  6. Radio and TV:
    • Tune into environmental news programs on public radio stations, such as NPR or BBC Radio.
    • Watch environmental documentaries and news programs on TV channels like PBS, BBC, or National Geographic.
  7. Government Websites:
    • National government websites: The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), or the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
    • International organizations: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), or the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  8. Academic Journals:
    • Peer-reviewed journals: Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Science & Technology, or Conservation Biology.
    • Online academic platforms: ResearchGate,, or ScienceDirect.
  9. Local News:
    • Local newspapers and online news sources: Look for environmental news specific to your region or community.
    • Attend local environmental events, meetings, and conferences to stay informed about local issues.
  10. Subscribe to Environmental Newsletters:
    • Environmental news services: Environmental News Network (ENN), Environmental Leader, or GreenBiz.
    • Industry-specific newsletters: Renewable Energy World, Sustainable Brands, or Green Building News.

Remember to verify the credibility of the sources and consider multiple perspectives when gathering environmental news.