Has anyone seen this type of coconut before photos

I'd love to help you with that!

The photos you're referring to appear to be of a unique type of coconut, and I'm not familiar with it. Coconuts come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, depending on the species, growing conditions, and ripeness.

However, I can try to help you identify it. Can you please provide more information or context about the photos, such as:

  1. Where did you find the photos?
  2. Are there any distinctive features, such as markings, patterns, or shapes, that you can describe?
  3. Are the coconuts whole, or are they cut open or processed in some way?
  4. Do you know the approximate size or weight of the coconuts?

With more information, I can try to help you narrow down the possibilities and potentially identify the type of coconut you're looking at.