How to enter breaking news section in youtube

To enter the Breaking News section on YouTube, you'll need to follow these steps:


  1. You need to have a YouTube account and be logged in.
  2. Your channel must be verified (i.e., you've confirmed your account through email or phone number).
  3. Your channel must comply with YouTube's community guidelines and terms of service.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Create a breaking news video: Record a video that is timely, relevant, and newsworthy. Make sure it's high-quality, informative, and engaging.
  2. Optimize your video title and description: Use keywords like "Breaking News," "Latest News," "News Update," or "Breaking News [Topic]" in your title and description. This will help your video appear in search results.
  3. Use relevant tags: Add relevant tags to your video, such as "news," "breaking news," "latest news," or "current events." This will help your video appear in search results and attract more views.
  4. Upload your video: Upload your breaking news video to YouTube.
  5. Submit your video for review: Once your video is uploaded, click on the "Submit for review" button. This will send your video to YouTube's review team for approval.
  6. Wait for review: YouTube's review team will review your video to ensure it meets their community guidelines and terms of service. This may take a few hours or days.
  7. Get approved: If your video is approved, it will be added to the Breaking News section on YouTube.

Tips to increase your chances of getting approved:

  1. Be timely: Breaking news videos should be recent and relevant to current events.
  2. Be accurate: Ensure the information in your video is accurate and reliable.
  3. Be respectful: Avoid sensationalism, bias, or inflammatory language.
  4. Use high-quality visuals: Use high-quality video and audio to make your video engaging and professional.
  5. Follow YouTube's guidelines: Familiarize yourself with YouTube's community guidelines and terms of service to ensure your video complies with their requirements.

Additional Resources:

By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of getting your breaking news video approved and featured in the Breaking News section on YouTube.