Distance from new york to casablanca
The distance from New York City, USA to Casablanca, Morocco is approximately:
- 5,764 miles (9,264 km) by air
- 6,344 miles (10,214 km) by sea
Here are the flight distances and estimated flight times from New York City's three major airports to Casablanca's Mohammed V International Airport (CMN):
- From John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK): 5,764 miles (9,264 km), 9 hours and 30 minutes
- From LaGuardia Airport (LGA): 5,771 miles (9,274 km), 9 hours and 35 minutes
- From Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR): 5,785 miles (9,314 km), 9 hours and 40 minutes
Please note that these distances and flight times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific flight route and airline.