How to create a new google voice number

Creating a new Google Voice number is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:


  1. You need a Google account (Gmail, Google Drive, etc.).
  2. You need a compatible device with a stable internet connection.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Sign in to your Google account: Go to the Google Voice website ( and sign in with your Google account credentials.
  2. Click on "Get started": If you don't have a Google Voice number, you'll see a "Get started" button. Click on it.
  3. Choose your country and area code: Select your country and area code from the dropdown menus.
  4. Choose a phone number: You'll be presented with a list of available phone numbers. You can either:
    • Choose a number from the list.
    • Use the "Search for a specific number" feature to find a specific number.
    • Use the "Randomly assign a number" feature to get a randomly generated number.
  5. Verify your phone number: You'll need to verify your phone number by receiving a call or text message from Google Voice. Follow the instructions to complete the verification process.
  6. Set up your Google Voice account: Once your phone number is verified, you'll be asked to set up your Google Voice account. You'll need to:
    • Create a PIN code for your account.
    • Set up your voicemail greeting.
    • Choose your ringtone.
  7. Start using your Google Voice number: You can now start using your new Google Voice number to make and receive calls, send texts, and access other Google Voice features.

Tips and Variations:


That's it! With these steps, you should be able to create a new Google Voice number and start using it to manage your communications.