How to bath for a new born baby

Bathing a newborn baby requires some special care and attention to ensure their comfort and safety. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to bathe a newborn baby:


  1. Choose a suitable time: Bathe your baby when they are most relaxed, usually after a feeding or a diaper change.
  2. Prepare the bath water: Fill a baby bathtub or a sink with lukewarm water (around 98°F to 100°F or 36°C to 38°C). Test the water with your elbow to ensure it's not too hot or cold.
  3. Gather supplies:
    • A soft, clean towel
    • A gentle, fragrance-free soap or body wash
    • A washcloth or soft sponge
    • A clean, dry diaper
    • A baby lotion or oil (optional)

Bathing the Baby

  1. Undress the baby: Gently undress the baby, taking care not to expose them to cold air.
  2. Support the baby's head and neck: Hold the baby's head and neck in one hand, with your arm supporting their back.
  3. Place the baby in the bath water: Carefully lower the baby into the bath water, making sure their head is above water.
  4. Wash the baby's face: Use a soft, damp washcloth to gently wipe the baby's face, starting from the forehead and working your way down to the chin.
  5. Wash the baby's body: Use a soft sponge or washcloth to clean the baby's body, starting from the top and working your way down. Be gentle and avoid scrubbing too hard.
  6. Clean the diaper area: Use a soft cloth or cotton ball to clean the diaper area, making sure to clean around the genital area.
  7. Rinse the baby: Use lukewarm water to rinse the baby's body, making sure to remove all soap residue.
  8. Dry the baby: Gently pat the baby dry with a soft towel, paying extra attention to the diaper area.

Tips and Reminders

  1. Keep the bath short: Newborn babies can get cold quickly, so keep the bath short and sweet (around 5-10 minutes).
  2. Avoid getting water in the baby's eyes, ears, or nose: Use a soft cloth to gently wipe away any water that gets in these areas.
  3. Don't use harsh soap or shampoo: Newborn skin is sensitive, so use gentle, fragrance-free products.
  4. Be gentle and patient: Bathing a newborn baby requires patience and gentle handling.
  5. Keep the baby warm: After the bath, wrap the baby in a warm towel or use a baby blanket to keep them cozy.

Additional Tips for Newborn Bathing

  1. Wait until the umbilical cord falls off: If your baby has an umbilical cord stump, wait until it falls off (usually within 1-3 weeks) before bathing them.
  2. Use a baby bathtub or sink: A baby bathtub or sink can provide a comfortable and secure place for your baby to bathe.
  3. Avoid bathing too frequently: Newborn babies don't need to be bathed frequently, as their skin is sensitive and can dry out easily. Bathing 2-3 times a week is usually sufficient.

Remember to always prioritize your baby's comfort and safety during bath time. If you're unsure about anything, consult with your pediatrician for personalized advice.