Museveni news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Yoweri Museveni, the President of Uganda:

Recent News

  1. Uganda's Museveni wins sixth term as president: Yoweri Museveni has been re-elected as the President of Uganda, winning a sixth term in office. He won with 58.6% of the vote, according to official results. (Source: BBC News, January 2021)
  2. Museveni's party wins majority in Uganda's parliament: The National Resistance Movement (NRM), Museveni's party, has won a majority of seats in Uganda's parliament, according to official results. (Source: Al Jazeera, January 2021)
  3. Uganda's opposition cries foul over election: The opposition in Uganda has accused Museveni's government of rigging the election, citing irregularities and intimidation of voters. (Source: The Guardian, January 2021)
  4. Museveni's economic record under scrutiny: Museveni's economic record has been criticized by some, with high levels of corruption and inequality in Uganda. (Source: The East African, December 2020)
  5. Museveni's security forces accused of human rights abuses: Human rights groups have accused Museveni's security forces of committing human rights abuses, including torture and extrajudicial killings. (Source: Human Rights Watch, November 2020)


Yoweri Museveni has been the President of Uganda since 1986, making him one of the longest-serving heads of state in Africa. He came to power after a five-year guerrilla war that overthrew the government of Milton Obote.

Museveni has been praised for his role in ending Uganda's civil war and promoting economic growth, but his government has also been criticized for human rights abuses, corruption, and authoritarianism.

Museveni has been accused of manipulating the electoral process to stay in power, and his government has been accused of cracking down on opposition politicians and activists.

Despite these criticisms, Museveni remains a popular figure in Uganda, and his party has won every presidential election since 1996.

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