How southeast is responding to exclusion from fgs 22 7bn loan

Southeastern Nigeria, particularly the states of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, and Rivers, have been vocal about their exclusion from the Federal Government's (FGN) N22.7 billion loan facility for the development of the East-West Road.

Here are some of the ways the Southeast is responding to the exclusion:

  1. Protests and demonstrations: There have been several protests and demonstrations in the Southeast, with citizens calling for the inclusion of their region in the loan facility. For example, in January 2022, protesters marched through the streets of Aba, Abia State, demanding that the FGN include the East-West Road in the loan facility.
  2. Petitions and letters: The Southeastern states have sent petitions and letters to the FGN, the National Assembly, and other relevant authorities, urging them to reconsider the exclusion of the East-West Road from the loan facility.
  3. Meetings with government officials: Governors and other leaders from the Southeast have met with government officials, including the Minister of Works and Housing, to discuss the exclusion and seek a solution.
  4. Alternative funding options: Some stakeholders in the Southeast are exploring alternative funding options, such as private sector investment and international loans, to develop the East-West Road.
  5. Criticism of the FGN: The exclusion has led to criticism of the FGN, with some accusing the government of marginalizing the Southeast and favoring other regions.
  6. Call for review of the loan agreement: Some stakeholders are calling for a review of the loan agreement to ensure that the East-West Road is included in the facility.
  7. Threats of boycott: There have been threats of boycotts of FGN projects and programs in the Southeast if the exclusion is not reversed.

Some notable quotes from Southeastern leaders and stakeholders include:

Overall, the exclusion of the Southeast from the FGN's N22.7 billion loan facility has sparked widespread anger and frustration in the region, with many calling for a review of the loan agreement and the inclusion of the East-West Road.