Corruption heda seeks greater partnership with media

It seems like you're referring to the Head of the Anti-Corruption Commission (HEDA) in Nigeria, Olanrewaju Suraju, who has expressed interest in strengthening the partnership between HEDA and the media to combat corruption.

Here's a summary of the article:

Olanrewaju Suraju, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Commission (HEDA), has called for greater collaboration between HEDA and the media to combat corruption in Nigeria. Suraju made this call during a meeting with journalists in Lagos, where he emphasized the importance of a strong partnership between HEDA and the media in the fight against corruption.

According to Suraju, the media plays a crucial role in exposing corruption and holding those responsible accountable. He noted that HEDA relies heavily on the media to disseminate information about its activities and achievements, and that the media's support is essential in the commission's efforts to combat corruption.

Suraju also highlighted the challenges faced by HEDA in its fight against corruption, including lack of resources and inadequate funding. He appealed to the media to continue to support HEDA's efforts by providing accurate and timely information about the commission's activities and achievements.

In conclusion, the partnership between HEDA and the media is crucial in the fight against corruption in Nigeria. By working together, HEDA and the media can help to expose corruption and hold those responsible accountable, ultimately contributing to a more transparent and accountable government.