How many hours from new york to turkey
The time difference between New York, USA and Turkey depends on the specific locations within each country. However, I can provide you with the approximate time difference:
New York, USA is in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone, which is UTC-5 hours during standard time and UTC-4 hours during daylight saving time.
Turkey is in the Eastern European Time (EET) zone, which is UTC+2 hours during standard time and UTC+3 hours during daylight saving time.
So, the time difference between New York and Turkey is:
- 7 hours during standard time in Turkey (UTC+2)
- 6 hours during daylight saving time in Turkey (UTC+3)
For example, if it's 12:00 PM (noon) EST in New York, it would be:
- 7:00 PM EET in Turkey during standard time
- 8:00 PM EET in Turkey during daylight saving time
Keep in mind that Turkey observes daylight saving time, but the exact dates may vary from year to year. It's always a good idea to double-check the current time difference before traveling or communicating with someone in Turkey.