How many hours from new york to germany
The time difference between New York, USA and Germany depends on the specific location in Germany and the time of year. Germany is in the Central European Time (CET) zone, which is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) in New York.
During standard time, the time difference is:
- New York (EST): UTC-5
- Germany (CET): UTC+1
So, if it's 12:00 PM (noon) EST in New York, it would be 6:00 PM CET in Germany.
During daylight saving time (DST), Germany is on Central European Summer Time (CEST), which is UTC+2. The time difference would be:
- New York (EDT): UTC-4
- Germany (CEST): UTC+2
So, if it's 12:00 PM (noon) EDT in New York, it would be 8:00 PM CEST in Germany.
Keep in mind that Germany also observes a daylight saving time period, which typically starts on the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October. During this period, the time difference would be 7 hours.