How long should a new phone battery be charged

When it comes to charging a new phone battery, it's generally recommended to follow these guidelines:

  1. Initial charge cycle: For a brand new phone battery, it's recommended to charge it to 100% and then let it drain to 0% (fully discharge) once. This is called the initial charge cycle. This helps the battery cells to calibrate and learn their capacity.
  2. First few charge cycles: For the first few charge cycles (usually 3-5 cycles), it's recommended to charge the battery to 100% and then let it drain to 0% every time. This helps the battery to settle and reach its full capacity.
  3. After the initial cycles: Once the battery has gone through its initial charge cycles, you can start charging it to a reasonable level, such as 80-90%, and then let it drain to 20-30% before recharging. This helps to prolong the battery's lifespan.

Why is this important?

Remember, it's always a good idea to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for charging your specific phone battery. Some phones may have specific charging recommendations, so be sure to check your phone's documentation or manufacturer's website for more information.