Sharepoint news

Here are some recent updates and news from Microsoft SharePoint:

Latest Updates

  1. SharePoint Framework (SPFx) 1.12: Microsoft has released SPFx 1.12, which includes new features such as improved debugging tools, enhanced support for React, and updated APIs.
  2. SharePoint Online: New Features and Improvements: SharePoint Online has received several new features and improvements, including a new "Files" tab in the SharePoint hub, improved search functionality, and enhanced support for Microsoft Teams.
  3. SharePoint Server 2019 CU6: Microsoft has released Cumulative Update 6 (CU6) for SharePoint Server 2019, which includes bug fixes, security updates, and new features.

Industry News and Trends

  1. The Future of SharePoint: Microsoft has announced plans to integrate SharePoint with other Microsoft products, such as Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365, to create a more seamless and collaborative experience.
  2. SharePoint and AI: Microsoft is exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in SharePoint to improve search, content recommendation, and other features.
  3. SharePoint and Microsoft 365: Microsoft is emphasizing the importance of SharePoint as a key component of Microsoft 365, a suite of productivity and collaboration tools.

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Optimizing SharePoint Performance: Microsoft has provided tips and best practices for optimizing SharePoint performance, including optimizing database queries, caching, and content compression.
  2. SharePoint Governance: Microsoft has emphasized the importance of SharePoint governance, including setting clear policies, procedures, and standards for content management and collaboration.
  3. SharePoint Security: Microsoft has provided guidance on SharePoint security, including best practices for securing content, configuring permissions, and monitoring for security threats.

Community News and Events

  1. Microsoft Ignite: Microsoft Ignite is an annual conference that brings together IT professionals, developers, and business leaders to share knowledge and best practices on Microsoft products and services, including SharePoint.
  2. SharePoint Saturday: SharePoint Saturday is a community-driven event that brings together SharePoint professionals and enthusiasts to share knowledge, best practices, and experiences.
  3. Microsoft 365 Developer Conference: The Microsoft 365 Developer Conference is an annual event that focuses on the development of Microsoft 365 applications, including SharePoint.

I hope this information is helpful!