How far is new york from detroit
The distance between New York City, New York and Detroit, Michigan is approximately:
- 770 miles (1,240 km) by car, depending on the route you take. The most common route is along Interstate 80 or Interstate 90.
- 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes by plane, depending on the airline and flight schedule.
- 10-12 hours by bus, depending on the bus company and route.
Here are the approximate driving directions from New York City to Detroit:
- From New York City, take I-80 W or I-90 W to I-76 W
- Continue on I-76 W to I-80 W
- Take I-80 W to I-94 W
- Follow I-94 W to Detroit, MI
Please note that these distances and times are approximate and may vary depending on your specific starting and ending points, traffic conditions, and other factors.