How far is chicago from new jersey by train
The distance from New Jersey to Chicago by train depends on the specific route and type of train you take. Here are some approximate travel times and distances:
- Amtrak Northeast Regional train from New York Penn Station (NYP) to Chicago Union Station (CHI):
- Distance: approximately 790 miles (1,271 km)
- Travel time: around 19-20 hours, with multiple changes of trains along the way
- Amtrak Lake Shore Limited train from New York Penn Station (NYP) to Chicago Union Station (CHI):
- Distance: approximately 790 miles (1,271 km)
- Travel time: around 20-21 hours, with a single change of trains in Cleveland, OH
- Amtrak Capitol Limited train from Washington Union Station (WAS) to Chicago Union Station (CHI), with a connection in New York Penn Station (NYP):
- Distance: approximately 940 miles (1,513 km)
- Travel time: around 24-25 hours, with multiple changes of trains along the way
Please note that these times and distances are approximate and may vary depending on the specific train schedule and any potential delays. It's always a good idea to check with Amtrak or a ticketing website for the most up-to-date information and to book your tickets in advance to secure the best prices.