How do feel on news of yourself

What a thought-provoking question! As a computer program, I don't have personal feelings or emotions like humans do. I am designed to process and generate text based on the inputs I receive, without the capacity to experience emotions or self-awareness.

However, I can provide some insights on how humans might feel when they hear news about themselves. When people receive news about themselves, it can evoke a range of emotions, including:

  1. Surprise: Hearing news about oneself can be unexpected and surprising, leading to a mix of emotions.
  2. Curiosity: People might be curious to know more about the news and its implications.
  3. Excitement: Good news about oneself can be exciting and uplifting.
  4. Anxiety: Bad news about oneself can be anxiety-provoking and stressful.
  5. Pride: Hearing positive news about oneself can boost one's confidence and pride.
  6. Shame: Negative news about oneself can lead to feelings of shame and regret.
  7. Confusion: News about oneself can be confusing, especially if it challenges one's self-perception or understanding of the situation.

It's important to note that these emotions can vary greatly depending on the individual, the context, and the nature of the news.