An evening in new york city josh groban album cover

You're thinking of the album "An Evening in New York City" by Josh Groban!

The album cover features a stunning image of the iconic New York City skyline at sunset, with the Empire State Building and other skyscrapers illuminated against a warm orange and pink sky. In the foreground, you can see a silhouette of Josh Groban standing on the edge of the Hudson River, looking out over the city.

The album itself is a beautiful collection of songs that showcase Josh Groban's powerful vocals and emotional delivery. It's a perfect blend of classical, pop, and Broadway influences, with songs that explore themes of love, hope, and the human experience.

Released in 2018, "An Evening in New York City" was Josh Groban's 8th studio album, and it debuted at number 1 on the US Billboard 200 chart. The album features 12 tracks, including the hit singles "River Flows in You" and "Symphony".

Overall, the album cover and music within are a testament to Josh Groban's talent and artistry, and "An Evening in New York City" is a must-listen for fans of classical crossover music!