Hotel news now robert mccune

I'm assuming you're looking for news related to the hospitality industry, specifically from Robert McCune, who is a well-known expert in the field. Here are some recent updates and insights from Robert McCune:

Hotel Industry Trends:

  1. Sustainability: Robert McCune has been emphasizing the importance of sustainability in the hotel industry. He believes that hotels need to adopt eco-friendly practices to reduce their environmental impact and appeal to the growing number of environmentally conscious travelers.
  2. Personalization: McCune has been highlighting the need for hotels to focus on personalization to differentiate themselves from competitors. He suggests that hotels should use data and technology to tailor their services and amenities to individual guests' preferences.
  3. Wellness: The wellness trend is expected to continue in the hotel industry, with McCune predicting that hotels will invest more in wellness facilities and programs to attract health-conscious travelers.

Hotel Openings and Developments:

  1. New Hotel Openings: Robert McCune has been tracking new hotel openings around the world, including the recent openings of luxury hotels in destinations like Dubai, Singapore, and Bali.
  2. Hotel Renovations: McCune has been reporting on hotel renovations and refurbishments, including the updates to iconic hotels like the Plaza Hotel in New York City and the Ritz-Carlton in Hong Kong.

Industry Insights and Analysis:

  1. Hotel Revenue Management: McCune has been sharing his expertise on hotel revenue management, including strategies for optimizing room rates, managing inventory, and increasing revenue through upselling and cross-selling.
  2. Hotel Technology: He has been discussing the latest hotel technology trends, including the adoption of AI-powered chatbots, mobile check-in, and contactless payment systems.

Awards and Recognition:

  1. Hotel Awards: Robert McCune has been recognizing the winners of various hotel awards, including the World's Best Hotels, the Luxury Travel Awards, and the Hospitality Awards.

I hope this information is helpful!