Hiv cure 2016 latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates on HIV cure research as of 2016:


  1. HIV remission in "Berlin Patient": In 2016, researchers reported that a patient known as the "Berlin Patient" had been in sustained remission from HIV for over 12 years after receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor with a rare genetic mutation that confers natural resistance to HIV. This case study was published in the journal Nature Medicine.
  2. HIV cure using gene editing: Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco, used gene editing technology called CRISPR-Cas9 to edit the CCR5 gene in human cells, making them resistant to HIV infection. This breakthrough was published in the journal Science.

Clinical Trials:

  1. HIV cure trial using stem cells: In 2016, researchers launched a clinical trial to test the safety and efficacy of using stem cells to cure HIV. The trial, known as the "HIV Cure Trial," aims to enroll 50 patients and will evaluate the use of stem cells to restore the immune system's ability to fight HIV.
  2. HIV cure trial using gene therapy: Another clinical trial, known as the "Gene Therapy for HIV" trial, is testing the use of gene therapy to cure HIV. The trial aims to enroll 24 patients and will evaluate the safety and efficacy of using gene therapy to restore the immune system's ability to fight HIV.

Research Updates:

  1. HIV latency: Researchers made progress in understanding HIV latency, a key challenge in developing an HIV cure. Latency refers to the ability of HIV to remain dormant in the body, making it difficult to eradicate.
  2. HIV reservoirs: Scientists identified new HIV reservoirs, or sites where HIV can hide and replicate, which could be targeted in future cure strategies.
  3. Immune system responses: Researchers studied the immune system's responses to HIV and identified new targets for immunotherapy, which could be used to enhance the body's natural ability to fight HIV.

Challenges and Future Directions:

  1. HIV cure remains elusive: Despite progress, an HIV cure remains elusive, and significant challenges remain in developing effective cure strategies.
  2. Need for continued research: Researchers emphasized the need for continued research and investment in HIV cure research to overcome the challenges and achieve a cure.
  3. Combination therapies: Many experts believe that a combination of therapies, including antiretroviral therapy, gene therapy, and immunotherapy, may be necessary to achieve an HIV cure.

These are just a few of the latest news and updates on HIV cure research as of 2016. The search for an HIV cure continues, and researchers are working tirelessly to overcome the challenges and achieve a cure for this devastating disease.