Iraqs pm arrives in mosul says the great victory is at hand

That's a significant development! The Prime Minister of Iraq, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, has arrived in Mosul, a city that was once a stronghold of ISIS. His visit comes as Iraqi forces are making significant gains against the terrorist group.

The Prime Minister's statement that "the great victory is at hand" suggests that the Iraqi government is confident that they are on the verge of defeating ISIS in Mosul. This would be a major milestone in the fight against terrorism in the region.

Mosul has been under ISIS control since 2014, and the city has suffered greatly as a result. The terrorist group has used the city as a base to launch attacks on civilians and military targets, and has committed numerous human rights abuses.

The Iraqi government, with the support of international coalition forces, has been working to retake the city since October 2016. The campaign has been slow and difficult, with both sides suffering significant losses.

The Prime Minister's visit to Mosul is likely intended to boost morale and celebrate the progress that has been made. It's also a reminder that the Iraqi government is committed to defeating ISIS and restoring stability to the region.

What do you think about the situation in Mosul? Do you think the Iraqi government will be able to defeat ISIS and restore peace to the city?