Health insurance news articles

Here are some recent health insurance news articles:

  1. "Health Insurance Premiums to Rise 5% in 2023, Report Says" (Forbes, March 2023)

A new report from the Society of Actuaries predicts that health insurance premiums will increase by 5% in 2023, driven by rising medical costs and increased utilization of healthcare services.

  1. "Biden Administration Proposes Rule to Strengthen Health Insurance Marketplaces" (Kaiser Health News, February 2023)

The Biden administration has proposed a new rule aimed at strengthening the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplaces by increasing funding for outreach and enrollment efforts, and improving the online enrollment process.

  1. "More Americans Are Dropping Health Insurance Due to High Costs" (NPR, January 2023)

A new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that 1 in 5 Americans have dropped their health insurance in the past year due to high costs, with younger adults and those with lower incomes being disproportionately affected.

  1. "Health Insurance Companies to Offer More Affordable Options Under New Rule" (Healthcare Finance News, January 2023)

The Trump administration has finalized a rule aimed at increasing the availability of affordable health insurance options by allowing insurers to offer more short-term, limited-duration insurance plans.

  1. "California to Implement 'Public Option' Health Insurance Plan" (Los Angeles Times, December 2022)

California has become the first state to implement a "public option" health insurance plan, which will offer a government-run health insurance plan to individuals and small businesses.

  1. "Health Insurance Premiums to Increase by 10% in 2022, Report Says" (CNBC, October 2021)

A new report from the Society of Actuaries predicts that health insurance premiums will increase by 10% in 2022, driven by rising medical costs and increased utilization of healthcare services.

  1. "Biden Administration Proposes Rule to Expand Health Insurance Coverage for Undocumented Immigrants" (The Hill, September 2021)

The Biden administration has proposed a new rule aimed at expanding health insurance coverage for undocumented immigrants by allowing them to purchase coverage through the Affordable Care Act's marketplaces.

  1. "Health Insurance Companies to Offer More Telehealth Services" (Healthcare Finance News, August 2021)

Many health insurance companies are expanding their telehealth services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has increased demand for virtual healthcare services.

  1. "More Americans Are Using Health Insurance to Pay for Mental Health Services" (NPR, July 2021)

A new survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation finds that more Americans are using their health insurance to pay for mental health services, with 1 in 5 adults reporting that they have used their insurance to access mental health care in the past year.

  1. "Health Insurance Premiums to Increase by 4% in 2022, Report Says" (Forbes, June 2021)

A new report from the Society of Actuaries predicts that health insurance premiums will increase by 4% in 2022, driven by rising medical costs and increased utilization of healthcare services.

I hope these articles are helpful!