Health and safety induction for new employees

A comprehensive health and safety induction for new employees is essential to ensure they understand the importance of health and safety in the workplace and their role in maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Here's a suggested outline for a health and safety induction program for new employees:


  1. Send a welcome email or letter to new employees with details of the induction program, including the date, time, and location.
  2. Provide a copy of the company's health and safety policy and procedures to new employees before the induction.

Induction Program


  1. Welcome new employees and introduce yourself.
  2. Explain the purpose of the health and safety induction program and its importance.
  3. Outline the agenda for the induction program.

Company Health and Safety Policy

  1. Review the company's health and safety policy and procedures.
  2. Explain the company's commitment to health and safety and the importance of employee involvement.
  3. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of employees, supervisors, and management in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.

Workplace Hazards and Risks

  1. Identify potential hazards and risks in the workplace, such as:
    • Chemicals and hazardous substances
    • Electrical equipment and machinery
    • Fire hazards
    • Slips, trips, and falls
    • Violence and aggression
  2. Explain the measures in place to control and mitigate these hazards and risks.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  1. Explain the types of PPE required in the workplace, such as:
    • Safety glasses
    • Earplugs
    • Gloves
    • Steel-toed boots
  2. Demonstrate how to properly use and maintain PPE.

Emergency Procedures

  1. Review the company's emergency procedures, including:
    • Fire evacuation procedures
    • First aid procedures
    • Reporting incidents and near misses
  2. Explain the importance of knowing what to do in case of an emergency.

Reporting Incidents and Near Misses

  1. Explain the importance of reporting incidents and near misses to management.
  2. Discuss the procedures for reporting incidents and near misses, including:
    • Who to report to
    • How to report
    • What information to provide

Employee Responsibilities

  1. Review the employee's responsibilities in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, including:
    • Following safety procedures and guidelines
    • Reporting hazards and incidents
    • Participating in health and safety training and activities
  2. Emphasize the importance of employee involvement in health and safety.


  1. Summarize the key points of the health and safety induction program.
  2. Encourage new employees to ask questions and seek clarification on any health and safety issues.
  3. Provide a contact person or department for new employees to report any health and safety concerns or incidents.


  1. Provide a copy of the health and safety induction program to new employees.
  2. Schedule a follow-up meeting or review with new employees to ensure they have understood the program and to answer any further questions.
  3. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the health and safety induction program and make any necessary improvements.

Remember to tailor the induction program to your company's specific needs and industry. It's also important to ensure that all new employees receive a comprehensive health and safety induction program, regardless of their role or department.