Elections rigged in nigeria new york times

The New York Times has published several articles and editorials over the years that have raised concerns about the integrity of elections in Nigeria. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Nigeria's Election: A Flawed Process" (2015)

In this article, the New York Times described the 2015 presidential election in Nigeria as "flawed" and "marred by irregularities." The article noted that the election was marked by widespread violence, voter intimidation, and allegations of fraud.

  1. "Nigeria's Election: A Test of Democracy" (2019)

In this article, the New York Times described the 2019 presidential election in Nigeria as a "test of democracy" for the country. The article noted that the election was marked by allegations of fraud and violence, and that the outcome was disputed by the opposition party.

  1. "Nigeria's Election: A Flawed Process, Again" (2023)

In this article, the New York Times described the 2023 presidential election in Nigeria as "flawed" and "marred by irregularities." The article noted that the election was marked by allegations of fraud, violence, and voter suppression.

  1. "Nigeria's Election: A Crisis of Legitimacy" (2023)

In this editorial, the New York Times argued that the 2023 presidential election in Nigeria was a "crisis of legitimacy" for the country's democracy. The editorial noted that the election was marked by widespread allegations of fraud and violence, and that the outcome was disputed by the opposition party.

  1. "Nigeria's Election: A Test of the Country's Democratic Institutions" (2023)

In this article, the New York Times described the 2023 presidential election in Nigeria as a "test of the country's democratic institutions." The article noted that the election was marked by allegations of fraud and violence, and that the outcome was disputed by the opposition party.

It's worth noting that the New York Times is not the only international news organization that has raised concerns about the integrity of elections in Nigeria. Other organizations, such as Human Rights Watch and the International Crisis Group, have also published reports and statements expressing concerns about the conduct of elections in Nigeria.