Gurtong news

I think you meant "Gurtong News"!

Gurtong News is a South Sudanese news agency that provides news and information on current events, politics, and social issues in South Sudan and the wider region. The agency was established in 2005 and is based in Juba, the capital city of South Sudan.

Gurtong News covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Politics: News and analysis on South Sudan's government, opposition parties, and regional politics.
  2. Conflict: Reports on the ongoing conflict in South Sudan, including human rights abuses, displacement, and humanitarian crises.
  3. Economy: News on the South Sudanese economy, including trade, agriculture, and infrastructure development.
  4. Health: Reports on health issues, including disease outbreaks, healthcare services, and medical research.
  5. Education: News on education in South Sudan, including access to education, teacher training, and educational policy.

Gurtong News is known for its objective and balanced reporting, and its commitment to providing accurate and timely information to its readers. The agency's website and social media channels are popular sources of news and information for South Sudanese citizens and international audiences alike.