Clinton news cnn

Here are some recent news articles about Hillary Clinton from CNN:

  1. Hillary Clinton says she's 'not going away' after loss: In an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour, Hillary Clinton said she's "not going away" and will continue to be involved in politics and public service. (Published: November 18, 2017)
  2. Hillary Clinton: 'I'm not done yet': In a speech at the Women's March on Washington, Hillary Clinton said she's "not done yet" and will continue to fight for women's rights and social justice. (Published: January 21, 2018)
  3. Hillary Clinton: 'I take responsibility' for 2016 loss: In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Hillary Clinton said she takes responsibility for her loss in the 2016 presidential election and acknowledged that she made mistakes during the campaign. (Published: September 13, 2017)
  4. Hillary Clinton: 'We're living in a post-fact world': In a speech at the University of California, Berkeley, Hillary Clinton said that we're living in a "post-fact world" where truth and facts are no longer valued. (Published: April 24, 2018)
  5. Hillary Clinton: 'I'm not a fan of the current administration': In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Hillary Clinton said she's not a fan of the current administration and criticized President Trump's policies on healthcare, education, and the environment. (Published: June 12, 2018)

You can find more news articles about Hillary Clinton on CNN's website by searching for her name or using the search bar.