Guardian uk world news

Here are the latest news articles from The Guardian UK World News:

Top Stories

  1. US and Iran on brink of war as tensions escalate: The US and Iran are on the brink of war after a series of escalating attacks and threats, with the US deploying thousands of troops to the Middle East and Iran warning of "all-out war".
  2. Hong Kong protests: police fire teargas as thousands march: Hong Kong police have fired teargas at protesters in the city's financial district, as thousands of people took to the streets to demand greater democracy and an end to police brutality.
  3. North Korea's Kim Jong-un 'in good health', says South Korea: South Korea has said that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is in good health, after reports of his poor health sparked concerns about the stability of the regime.


  1. China's Xi Jinping warns of 'new cold war' with US: China's president, Xi Jinping, has warned of a "new cold war" with the US, as tensions between the two nations continue to escalate over trade, technology and security issues.
  2. India's Modi government accused of 'witch-hunt' against Muslims: India's ruling Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) has been accused of launching a "witch-hunt" against Muslims, after a series of attacks on mosques and Muslim-owned businesses.
  3. Japan's Abe Shinzo resigns as prime minister: Japan's prime minister, Abe Shinzo, has resigned, citing health reasons, after nearly eight years in office.


  1. Sudan's military and protesters agree on transitional government: Sudan's military and protesters have agreed on a transitional government, after months of protests against the country's former president, Omar al-Bashir.
  2. Nigeria's Boko Haram kidnaps hundreds of schoolgirls: Boko Haram militants have kidnapped hundreds of schoolgirls in Nigeria, in one of the largest mass kidnappings in the country's history.
  3. South Africa's ANC party faces crisis over corruption allegations: South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) party is facing a crisis over corruption allegations, with several senior officials facing charges of graft and abuse of power.


  1. US and Mexico reach deal to avoid tariffs: The US and Mexico have reached a deal to avoid tariffs on Mexican goods, after the US threatened to impose tariffs on Mexico over its handling of migration.
  2. Brazil's Bolsonaro faces criticism over handling of Amazon fires: Brazil's president, Jair Bolsonaro, has faced criticism over his handling of the Amazon fires, with many accusing him of failing to take adequate action to protect the world's largest rainforest.
  3. Canada's Trudeau faces criticism over handling of Indigenous issues: Canada's prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has faced criticism over his handling of Indigenous issues, after a series of high-profile controversies and protests.


  1. UK and EU reach deal on Brexit withdrawal agreement: The UK and EU have reached a deal on the Brexit withdrawal agreement, after months of negotiations and several failed attempts to reach an agreement.
  2. France's Macron faces criticism over handling of 'yellow vest' protests: France's president, Emmanuel Macron, has faced criticism over his handling of the "yellow vest" protests, which have been ongoing for several months.
  3. Germany's Merkel faces criticism over handling of migration crisis: Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, has faced criticism over her handling of the migration crisis, after a series of high-profile controversies and protests.

These are just a few of the latest news articles from The Guardian UK World News. You can find more articles and updates on their website.