Difference between a news story and an article

While both news stories and articles are written pieces of content, there are some key differences between them:

News Story:

A news story is a report on a current event or issue that is timely, relevant, and often breaking. Its primary purpose is to inform readers about what's happening, when it happened, and why it's important. News stories typically:

  1. Are written in a concise and objective style.
  2. Focus on facts and events, rather than opinions or analysis.
  3. Are often written in a straightforward, chronological order.
  4. May include quotes from sources, such as experts, witnesses, or officials.
  5. Are designed to be timely and relevant, with a focus on the "who, what, when, where, and why" of the story.

Examples of news stories might include:


An article, on the other hand, is a more in-depth, analytical piece that explores a topic or issue in greater detail. Its primary purpose is to educate, inform, or persuade readers about a particular subject. Articles typically:

  1. Are written in a more formal, structured style.
  2. May include analysis, opinions, or perspectives from experts or individuals with relevant experience.
  3. Often have a clear thesis or argument, and may include supporting evidence or examples.
  4. May be written in a more narrative or storytelling style.
  5. Are designed to be more comprehensive and informative, with a focus on providing readers with a deeper understanding of the topic.

Examples of articles might include:

In summary, news stories are designed to inform readers about current events, while articles are designed to educate, inform, or persuade readers about a particular topic or issue.