Guardian news journalists that went to see buhari in london

I think you may be referring to the controversy surrounding the visit of some Guardian News journalists to see President Muhammadu Buhari in London.

In August 2017, President Buhari was on a medical vacation in London, and some journalists from the Guardian News, including Will Ross and Patrick Kingsley, visited him at his residence in London. The visit was widely reported in the Nigerian media, with many Nigerians expressing outrage and questioning the purpose of the visit.

The controversy surrounding the visit was fueled by the fact that the journalists were accompanied by a Nigerian government official, who was said to have facilitated the visit. Many Nigerians felt that the visit was an attempt by the government to spin the narrative around the President's health and to present him as being in better health than he actually was.

The Guardian News journalists were accused of being complicit in the government's efforts to deceive the public, and some Nigerians called for them to be banned from reporting in Nigeria. The controversy also led to a heated debate about the role of the media in reporting on the health of public figures and the need for transparency and accountability.

It's worth noting that the Guardian News has denied any wrongdoing and has maintained that the visit was a legitimate journalistic endeavor aimed at providing accurate information to the public. The journalists have also defended their reporting, saying that they were simply doing their job and providing a service to the public by shedding light on the President's health.

Overall, the controversy surrounding the visit of the Guardian News journalists to see President Buhari in London highlights the complex and often contentious relationship between the media and the government in Nigeria. It also underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in reporting on public figures and the need for journalists to maintain their independence and integrity in the face of pressure and controversy.