What you worry about now will pass adekunle gold

Adekunle Gold, the Nigerian singer-songwriter, has indeed spoken words of wisdom through his music. The quote "what you worry about now will pass" is a popular phrase from one of his songs, and it's a powerful reminder to live in the present and not get too caught up in worries about the future or regrets about the past.

In essence, Adekunle Gold is encouraging us to focus on the present moment, to let go of our worries and anxieties, and to trust that whatever challenges we're facing will eventually pass. This mindset can be incredibly liberating, allowing us to live more mindfully and find peace in the midst of uncertainty.

As Adekunle Gold so eloquently puts it, "what you worry about now will pass" - a reminder to stay present, stay calm, and trust that the universe has got our backs.