Gowon asks nigerians to guard against agents of national destruction

It seems like you're referring to a statement made by Gowon, a former Nigerian leader. Here's a summary:

Gowon, a former Head of State of Nigeria, has called on Nigerians to be vigilant and guard against agents of national destruction. In his statement, he emphasized the need for citizens to be aware of the activities of individuals or groups that seek to undermine the country's unity and stability.

Gowon's warning is likely a response to the current security challenges facing Nigeria, including terrorism, banditry, and political instability. He may be urging Nigerians to be cautious and report any suspicious activities to the authorities to prevent further harm.

It's essential for citizens to remain vigilant and work together to protect their country from internal and external threats. By doing so, they can help maintain peace and stability, which are crucial for national development.

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