Googlo news website

You're looking for news websites similar to Google News!

Here are some popular news websites that aggregate news from various sources, just like Google News:

  1. NewsNow: A UK-based news aggregator that provides up-to-date news from over 5,000 sources.
  2. Yahoo News: A popular news website that aggregates news from various sources, including Yahoo's own news team.
  3. MSN News: A news aggregator from Microsoft that provides news from various sources, including MSN's own news team.
  4. Apple News: A news aggregator app from Apple that provides news from various sources, including Apple's own news team.
  5. Flipboard: A personalized news aggregator app that allows users to create their own news feeds based on their interests.
  6. News360: A news aggregator app that provides personalized news feeds based on users' interests and preferences.
  7. Feedly: A news aggregator app that allows users to subscribe to their favorite news sources and read news in a personalized feed.
  8. Alltop: A news aggregator that provides news from various sources, organized by topic and category.
  9. NewsBlaze: A news aggregator that provides news from various sources, with a focus on international news.
  10. Topix: A news aggregator that provides news from various sources, with a focus on local news and community issues.

These are just a few examples of news websites and apps that aggregate news from various sources. You can explore each one to see which one works best for you!