Google relaunches news service to fight fake news

That's not entirely accurate. Google did not relaunch a news service to fight fake news. However, Google has taken several steps to combat misinformation and promote high-quality news sources.

In 2018, Google launched a feature called "Fact Check" in its search results, which aims to help users identify fact-checked articles and websites. The feature uses information from fact-checking organizations to label search results as "true" or "false" or "mixed" (if the information is partially true).

Additionally, Google has been working to improve the quality of its search results by promoting high-quality news sources and demoting low-quality or misleading content. This includes using algorithms to identify and demote websites that consistently produce low-quality or misleading content.

Google has also launched several initiatives to promote high-quality news sources and support journalism, such as:

  1. Google News Initiative: This is a global initiative that aims to support high-quality journalism and promote fact-based reporting.
  2. Google News Lab: This is a program that provides resources and support to journalists and news organizations to help them produce high-quality, fact-based reporting.
  3. Google's News Showcase: This is a program that allows news organizations to partner with Google to provide high-quality news content to users.

Overall, while Google has not relaunched a news service to fight fake news, the company has taken several steps to promote high-quality news sources and combat misinformation.