Google news lebanon

Here are the latest news headlines from Google News about Lebanon:

Top Stories

  1. Lebanon's economy in crisis: The country's currency has lost over 80% of its value, and the government is struggling to pay its debts. (Al Jazeera)
  2. Protests erupt in Beirut: Thousands of people took to the streets to demand the resignation of the government and an end to the economic crisis. (The New York Times)
  3. Lebanon's banks under pressure: The country's banks are facing a liquidity crisis, with many customers unable to access their savings. (BBC News)
  4. Syrian refugees in Lebanon: The country is hosting over 1 million Syrian refugees, who are struggling to make ends meet. (The Guardian)
  5. Lebanon's parliament in session: The country's parliament is meeting to discuss the economic crisis and potential solutions. (Reuters)

Recent News

  1. Lebanon's PM says economy is 'on the brink of collapse': Prime Minister Hassan Diab has warned that the country's economy is on the verge of collapse. (The Telegraph)
  2. Lebanon's banks impose capital controls: The country's banks have imposed capital controls, limiting the amount of money that can be withdrawn from accounts. (The Financial Times)
  3. Lebanon's protesters demand change: Protesters are calling for the government to resign and for reforms to address the economic crisis. (The Washington Post)
  4. Lebanon's economy in 'free fall': The country's economy is in a state of crisis, with many businesses struggling to stay afloat. (The Wall Street Journal)
  5. Lebanon's refugees in need of aid: The country is hosting over 1 million Syrian refugees, who are in need of aid and support. (The United Nations)


  1. Lebanon's economic crisis is a wake-up call: The country's economic crisis is a wake-up call for the government to address the root causes of the problem. (The National)
  2. Lebanon's protesters are fighting for their future: Protesters are fighting for their future and the future of the country. (The Guardian)
  3. Lebanon's economy needs a new direction: The country's economy needs a new direction and a new approach to address the crisis. (The Financial Times)
  4. Lebanon's refugees are in need of support: The country's refugees are in need of support and aid to help them rebuild their lives. (The United Nations)
  5. Lebanon's government must take responsibility: The government must take responsibility for the economic crisis and work to address its root causes. (The New York Times)

Please note that these are just some of the latest news headlines from Google News about Lebanon, and the situation is constantly evolving.