Hard english news

Here are some hard-hitting English news articles from reputable sources:


  1. "Trump's Impeachment Trial: A Guide to the Charges and the Process" - The New York Times (Jan 2020)
  2. "Brexit: UK and EU Reach Trade Deal, But Tensions Remain" - The Guardian (Dec 2020)
  3. "US Election 2020: Trump and Biden Clash in Final Debate" - BBC News (Oct 2020)


  1. "Global Economy Faces 'Severe' Recession as Virus Spreads" - The Financial Times (Mar 2020)
  2. "Amazon's Dominance Raises Antitrust Concerns in the US" - The Wall Street Journal (Feb 2020)
  3. "China's Economy Slows Amid Trade War and Virus Outbreak" - Bloomberg (Jan 2020)


  1. "Coronavirus: Death Toll Passes 3,000 as Outbreak Spreads" - Al Jazeera (Feb 2020)
  2. "Syria: Thousands Flee Idlib as Government Forces Advance" - The Independent (Mar 2020)
  3. "North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile, Defying International Pressure" - CNN (Oct 2020)


  1. "Climate Change: UN Warns of 'Catastrophic' Consequences if Emissions Rise" - The Telegraph (Oct 2020)
  2. "COVID-19: Scientists Discover New Strain of Virus in UK" - The Lancet (Dec 2020)
  3. "NASA's Perseverance Rover Lands on Mars, Begins Search for Life" - Space.com (Feb 2021)


  1. "Facebook's Libra Cryptocurrency Faces Regulatory Scrutiny" - The Verge (Oct 2020)
  2. "Google's AI-Powered Contact Tracing App Raises Privacy Concerns" - Wired (Apr 2020)
  3. "Huawei's 5G Network Equipment Banned in the US" - The Washington Post (May 2020)

These articles are from reputable news sources and cover a range of topics, including politics, business, world news, science, and technology.