Google chrome news feed

Here are some recent news and updates from Google Chrome:

Latest News

  1. Google Chrome 89 Released: The latest version of Google Chrome, Chrome 89, was released on March 16, 2021. This update includes several new features, such as improved password management, enhanced security, and better performance.
  2. Chrome 90 Beta Released: The beta version of Chrome 90 was released on April 13, 2021. This update includes several new features, such as improved support for WebXR, enhanced security, and better performance.
  3. Google Chrome to Block Unwanted Pop-Ups: Google announced that it will start blocking unwanted pop-ups in Chrome 90, which is expected to be released in May 2021. This feature will help protect users from annoying and potentially malicious pop-ups.
  4. Chrome to Add Support for WebAssembly: Google announced that Chrome will add support for WebAssembly (WASM) in Chrome 90. This will allow developers to create faster and more efficient web applications.

Security Updates

  1. Chrome Fixes 43 Vulnerabilities: Google released Chrome 89, which fixed 43 vulnerabilities, including several high-severity bugs. These vulnerabilities could have allowed attackers to take control of users' devices.
  2. Chrome to Block More Malicious Extensions: Google announced that it will start blocking more malicious extensions in Chrome 90. This will help protect users from extensions that could potentially harm their devices.
  3. Chrome to Improve Password Management: Google announced that Chrome will improve its password management features in Chrome 90. This will include better password suggestions and more secure password storage.

New Features

  1. Chrome to Add Support for WebXR: Google announced that Chrome will add support for WebXR, which allows developers to create immersive web experiences. This feature will be available in Chrome 90.
  2. Chrome to Improve Performance: Google announced that Chrome will improve its performance in Chrome 90. This will include faster page loading times and better overall performance.
  3. Chrome to Add Support for AV1 Video Codec: Google announced that Chrome will add support for the AV1 video codec in Chrome 90. This will allow developers to create more efficient and high-quality video content.

Other News

  1. Chrome to Remove Support for Windows XP and Vista: Google announced that it will remove support for Windows XP and Vista in Chrome 90. This means that users running these operating systems will no longer be able to use the latest version of Chrome.
  2. Chrome to Add Support for Linux ARM64: Google announced that Chrome will add support for Linux ARM64 in Chrome 90. This will allow developers to create more efficient and high-performance web applications for Linux devices.