Good news club

The Good News Club!

The Good News Club is a Christian-based organization that aims to share the Gospel with children and teenagers in public schools. The club was founded in 1966 by Rev. Mark Hancock, a Baptist minister, and is now part of the Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) organization.

Here are some key facts about the Good News Club:

  1. Mission: The Good News Club's mission is to evangelize children and teenagers in public schools, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with them.
  2. Program: The club's program is designed for children aged 6-18 and typically meets once a week during lunch or after school. The program includes games, songs, Bible stories, and discussions about God's love and salvation.
  3. Bible-based: The Good News Club's curriculum is based on the Bible and is designed to help children understand the Gospel message and make a decision to follow Jesus.
  4. Volunteer-led: The club is led by trained volunteers who are passionate about sharing the Gospel with children. Many of these volunteers are parents, grandparents, or community members who want to make a positive impact on the lives of young people.
  5. Non-denominational: The Good News Club is non-denominational, meaning it is not affiliated with any specific Christian denomination. The club's focus is on sharing the Gospel with children, regardless of their background or denomination.
  6. Global presence: The Good News Club has a global presence, with clubs in over 100 countries around the world.

Overall, the Good News Club is a wonderful organization that is dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus with children and teenagers in public schools.