Good new bible

You're looking for a good new Bible! There are many excellent options out there, depending on your personal preferences and reading style. Here are a few popular and highly-regarded Bibles that have been published in recent years:

  1. The ESV Study Bible (2011): This is a comprehensive study Bible that features the English Standard Version (ESV) translation, along with extensive notes, maps, and articles.
  2. The NIV Life Application Study Bible (2019): This Bible features the New International Version (NIV) translation and includes notes, maps, and articles that help readers apply biblical principles to their daily lives.
  3. The CSB She Reads Truth Bible (2019): This Bible is designed specifically for women and features the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation, along with beautiful illustrations, quotes, and devotional content.
  4. The HCSB Study Bible (2017): This Bible features the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) translation and includes notes, maps, and articles that help readers understand the biblical text.
  5. The NLT Life Essentials Bible (2019): This Bible features the New Living Translation (NLT) translation and includes notes, maps, and articles that help readers understand the biblical text and apply its principles to their lives.
  6. The NKJV Study Bible (2015): This Bible features the New King James Version (NKJV) translation and includes notes, maps, and articles that help readers understand the biblical text.
  7. The MSG Bible (2017): This Bible features the Message (MSG) translation, which is known for its clear and concise language. It also includes notes, maps, and articles that help readers understand the biblical text.

These are just a few examples of the many excellent Bibles that have been published in recent years. When choosing a Bible, consider the following factors:

I hope this helps you find a good new Bible that meets your needs!