Read what southeast governors ask buhari to do

You're referring to the recent meeting between the Southeast Governors and President Muhammadu Buhari.

According to reports, the Southeast Governors, who met with President Buhari on August 10, 2022, made some demands and requests. Here are some of the key points:

  1. Release of Nnamdi Kanu: The governors requested the release of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), who has been in detention since 2015. They argued that Kanu's continued detention was a major source of tension in the region.
  2. Reopening of Aba and Onitsha Markets: The governors asked the President to reopen the Aba and Onitsha markets, which have been shut down due to security concerns. They argued that the closure of these markets was affecting the economy of the region.
  3. Deployment of Security Personnel: The governors requested the deployment of more security personnel to the region to tackle the growing insecurity, including kidnapping, armed robbery, and cultism.
  4. Infrastructure Development: The governors asked for increased investment in infrastructure development in the region, including road construction, power supply, and water supply.
  5. Creation of More States: The governors requested the creation of more states in the region, arguing that the current structure was not conducive to the region's development.
  6. Inclusion in Federal Appointments: The governors asked for more representation from the Southeast in federal appointments, including the appointment of ministers, ambassadors, and other key positions.
  7. Review of the 1999 Constitution: The governors requested a review of the 1999 Constitution to address the perceived marginalization of the Southeast region.
  8. Release of Funds for Projects: The governors asked for the release of funds for ongoing and new projects in the region, including the Second Niger Bridge, the Enugu-Port Harcourt Expressway, and the Akanu Ibiam International Airport.
  9. Improved Power Supply: The governors requested improved power supply in the region, arguing that the current power situation was affecting businesses and daily life.
  10. Enhanced Security Measures: The governors asked for enhanced security measures to protect lives and property in the region, including the deployment of more security personnel and the establishment of a regional security outfit.

These demands and requests were made in the context of the ongoing security challenges and perceived marginalization of the Southeast region. The meeting was seen as an opportunity for the governors to engage with the President and express their concerns and demands.