Glassdoor new zealand

Glassdoor is a popular website that provides information on companies, salaries, and reviews from current and former employees. Here's what you can find on Glassdoor for New Zealand:

Company Reviews: Glassdoor allows employees to review their companies, providing insights into the work environment, management, culture, and more. You can search for companies in New Zealand and read reviews from current and former employees.

Salary Information: Glassdoor provides salary data for various positions in New Zealand. You can search for a specific job title and location to get an idea of the average salary range.

Job Listings: Glassdoor also features job listings from companies in New Zealand. You can search for jobs by keyword, location, and industry, and apply directly through the website.

Interview Questions: Glassdoor provides a collection of interview questions and answers for various companies in New Zealand. This can help you prepare for your own job interviews.

Benefits: Glassdoor allows companies to showcase their benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and more. You can search for companies and view their benefits packages.

Company Culture: Glassdoor provides information on company culture, including values, mission statements, and employee perks.

CEO Approval Ratings: Glassdoor allows employees to rate their CEO's approval rating, providing insights into the leadership style and management of the company.

Best Places to Work: Glassdoor publishes an annual list of the Best Places to Work in New Zealand, based on employee reviews and ratings.

Some popular companies in New Zealand on Glassdoor include:

  1. Fonterra
  2. Spark New Zealand
  3. Westpac New Zealand
  4. ANZ Bank New Zealand
  5. Kiwibank
  6. Air New Zealand
  7. Fonterra Brands
  8. Z Energy
  9. Meridian Energy
  10. Contact Energy

You can visit Glassdoor's website and search for companies, jobs, and salaries in New Zealand to get started.