Futa news on strike

It seems like you're referring to the ongoing strike by the Federation of Uganda Workers' Trade Unions (FUTA). Here's a brief update:

Background: FUTA, which represents over 100 trade unions in Uganda, went on strike on June 10, 2022, demanding better working conditions, higher wages, and improved social services for workers.

Demands: The striking workers are seeking:

  1. A 30% salary increase for all workers.
  2. Improved working conditions, including better healthcare, housing, and transportation.
  3. Enhanced social services, such as education and healthcare for workers and their families.
  4. Protection of workers' rights and an end to labor law violations.

Impact: The strike has affected various sectors, including:

  1. Healthcare: Many hospitals and health centers have been forced to close or operate with reduced staff, leading to disruptions in medical services.
  2. Education: Some schools have been closed, while others are operating with reduced staff, affecting the learning process.
  3. Transportation: Public transportation services have been disrupted, causing inconvenience to commuters.
  4. Manufacturing: Some factories and industries have been forced to shut down or operate with reduced capacity, leading to losses and economic impacts.

Government Response: The government has been negotiating with FUTA to resolve the strike, but so far, no agreement has been reached. The government has accused FUTA of being unreasonable and has threatened to take action against striking workers.

Current Situation: The strike continues, with no end in sight. FUTA has vowed to continue the strike until its demands are met, while the government has urged workers to return to work.

I hope this update helps you stay informed about the situation.