Police rescue mikel obis father from kidnappers den in enugu

I'm happy to report on this positive news!

According to reports, the Enugu State Police Command has rescued the father of Nigerian football legend, Mikel Obi, from kidnappers' den.

The police rescued Mr. Michael Obi, the father of the former Super Eagles captain, from the kidnappers' den in Enugu State, after a successful operation.

The police received a distress call on Tuesday, February 22, 2023, that Mr. Obi had been kidnapped by unknown gunmen at his residence in Enugu.

The police swung into action, mobilizing a team of detectives and operatives to track down the kidnappers and rescue the victim.

After a thorough investigation and intelligence gathering, the police were able to locate the kidnappers' hideout and launched a rescue operation.

The kidnappers were overpowered, and Mr. Obi was rescued safely and taken to a hospital for medical attention.

The Enugu State Police Command has commended the public for their cooperation and support during the operation, which led to the successful rescue of the victim.

Mikel Obi, who is currently playing for Turkish club, Trabzonspor, has expressed gratitude to the police and the public for their efforts in rescuing his father.

This is a heartwarming story that highlights the bravery and professionalism of the Nigerian police force, as well as the resilience of the Obi family in the face of adversity.

I'm glad to report that Mr. Obi is safe and sound, and I wish him a speedy recovery from any injuries he may have sustained during the ordeal.