Funny new month messages

Here are some funny new month messages:

For a friend:

  1. "Happy new month! May this month be better than the last one... or at least not as terrible"
  2. "New month, who dis? Just kidding, it's still the same old you... but with a fresh start"
  3. "May this month bring you more coffee, less stress, and a better understanding of why you're still single"

For a family member:

  1. "Happy new month, family! May this month bring us closer together... or at least not drive us crazy"
  2. "New month, new opportunities to annoy each other... just kidding, sort of"
  3. "May this month bring you more love, laughter, and fewer arguments over who left the dishes in the sink"

For a significant other:

  1. "Happy new month, love! May this month bring us more adventures, more laughter, and more Netflix binges together"
  2. "New month, new excuses to get out of doing the dishes... just kidding, I'll still do them"
  3. "May this month bring us closer together... or at least not drive us apart with our differing opinions on who's the better partner"

For a coworker:

  1. "Happy new month, team! May this month bring us more productivity, less meetings, and more coffee"
  2. "New month, new opportunities to procrastinate... just kidding, we're all adults here"
  3. "May this month bring us more success, more recognition, and fewer microwaved lunches"

Remember to keep it light-hearted and playful, and adjust the tone to fit your relationship with the person you're sending the message to!