Funny indian news headlines in english

Here are some funny Indian news headlines in English:

  1. "Cow Spotted Wearing Sari, Police Investigate" (The Times of India)
  2. "Man Arrested for Stealing Wife's Facebook Password" (The Hindu)
  3. "Government Launches Scheme to Provide Free Wi-Fi to Farmers" (The Economic Times)
  4. "Cow Urine Fails to Cure Cancer, Says Study" (The Indian Express)
  5. "Bollywood Star's Dog Elected as Mayor of Mumbai" (The Times of India)
  6. "India's First Robot Teacher Fails to Teach Anything" (The Hindu)
  7. "Government Announces Plan to Build a Wall Along the Pakistan Border... Made of Jalebis" (The Economic Times)
  8. "Man Sues Wife for Not Making Him Breakfast" (The Indian Express)
  9. "Cow Milk Found to Contain High Levels of Bacteria" (The Times of India)
  10. "Government Launches Scheme to Provide Free Haircuts to the Poor" (The Hindu)
  11. "India's First Underwater Restaurant Opens in Goa" (The Economic Times)
  12. "Man Arrested for Trying to Sell His Wife on eBay" (The Indian Express)
  13. "Government Announces Plan to Build a Space Station... Made of Jute" (The Times of India)
  14. "Cow Found Wearing a Diaper, Owner Claims it's a 'Fashion Statement'" (The Hindu)
  15. "India's First Robot Taxi Driver Fails to Find a Job" (The Economic Times)
  16. "Government Launches Scheme to Provide Free Yoga Classes to the Elderly" (The Indian Express)
  17. "Man Sues Wife for Not Making Him Lunch" (The Times of India)
  18. "Cow Milk Found to Contain High Levels of Sugar" (The Hindu)
  19. "Government Announces Plan to Build a Highway... Made of Jalebis" (The Economic Times)
  20. "India's First Robot Chef Fails to Cook a Decent Meal" (The Indian Express)

Please note that these headlines are fictional and meant to be humorous. They are not real news headlines.