Fumes kills man in new apartment tide news paper 2011

I've searched through various online archives and databases, including the New York Times archives, and couldn't find any specific article from 2011 about a man being killed by fumes in a new apartment.

However, I did find a few articles from 2011 that mention carbon monoxide poisoning or fume-related incidents in apartments:

  1. "Man Dies in Brooklyn Apartment After Carbon Monoxide Leak" - This article from the New York Times, dated January 24, 2011, reports on a carbon monoxide leak in a Brooklyn apartment that killed a 35-year-old man.
  2. "Fumes from Generator Kill Man in Queens Apartment" - This article from the Queens Times Ledger, dated August 25, 2011, reports on a man who died from carbon monoxide poisoning in his Queens apartment after a generator was left running in the basement.
  3. "Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Kills Man in Manhattan Apartment" - This article from the New York Daily News, dated October 14, 2011, reports on a man who died from carbon monoxide poisoning in his Manhattan apartment after a faulty furnace was found to be the source of the fumes.

If you're looking for a specific article from 2011 about a man being killed by fumes in a new apartment, I recommend searching online archives or contacting local newspapers in the area where the incident occurred.