French hospital use hypnosis to block pain in 150 cancer surgeries #comments

Here are some comments on the article "French hospital uses hypnosis to block pain in 150 cancer surgeries":

Comment 1 "Wow, this is amazing! I had no idea that hypnosis could be used to block pain in surgeries. It's great to see hospitals exploring alternative methods to reduce patient suffering."

Comment 2 "I've heard of hypnosis being used for anxiety and stress relief, but I never thought it could be used for pain management in surgeries. This is definitely something I'd want to learn more about if I were facing a surgery."

Comment 3 "This is a game-changer! By using hypnosis, patients can reduce their reliance on pain medication and have a faster recovery. It's a win-win for everyone involved."

Comment 4 "I'm a bit skeptical about the effectiveness of hypnosis for pain relief. Has anyone done any studies to prove that it actually works?"

Comment 5 "This is a great example of how hospitals can use alternative therapies to improve patient care. I hope more hospitals start to adopt this approach."

Comment 6 "I've had a friend who has undergone surgery and was in a lot of pain afterwards. If hypnosis could have helped her, I'm sure she would have appreciated it. This is definitely something that should be explored further."

Comment 7 "This is a great way to reduce the risk of addiction to pain medication. I'm sure many patients would be interested in learning more about this option."

Comment 8 "I'm impressed by the fact that the hospital is using a multidisciplinary approach to pain management. It's not just about the surgery itself, but also about the patient's overall well-being."

Comment 9 "This is a great example of how hospitals can use technology to improve patient care. The use of virtual reality and hypnosis is definitely the future of pain management."

Comment 10 "I'm glad to see that hospitals are exploring alternative methods to reduce patient suffering. This is definitely something that should be encouraged and studied further."