Salah is sometimes so bad its untrue liverpool should sell egyptian over mane says hutchison

It seems like there's been a bit of controversy surrounding Mohamed Salah's performance at Liverpool!

According to the article, former Liverpool player and pundit, Hutchinson, has made some bold claims about Salah's form, stating that he's been so bad it's "untrue" and that the club should consider selling him instead of Sadio Mané.

It's worth noting that Salah has had an incredible career at Liverpool, breaking numerous records and winning numerous accolades, including the Premier League Golden Boot and the African Footballer of the Year award. However, even the best players can have off-form periods, and it's possible that Hutchinson is referring to a specific stretch of games where Salah hasn't been at his best.

That being said, it's unlikely that Liverpool would consider selling Salah, given his importance to the team and his impressive goal-scoring record. Mané, on the other hand, has also been a key player for the Reds and has formed a deadly partnership with Salah and Roberto Firmino.

What do you think about Hutchinson's comments? Do you agree that Salah has been struggling, or do you think he's still a vital part of Liverpool's attack?